Sunday, September 20, 2009

Chocolate Chip Cookies, Again

I seem to be quite the pro when it comes to inverting things.

Take this, for example: I made a promise to myself that during the school year, I would bake once a week and go to the pool twice. You know, to balance out the raw-dough eating, the right-out-of-the-oven tasting, and the once-it-has-cooled tasting...among others.

However, a goodbye dinner for a friend off to Dublin and an impromptu dinner at my apartment left me with only one option, baking twice in the week. Of course, that doesn't explain why I only went to the pool once, but it's only Sunday afternoon right? Ha. Right.

Anyway, I developed some sort of obsession with my chocolate chip cookie recipe and wanted to improve it. The batter was clearly too runny when I baked the cookies right away, and I wanted to get something more out of the butter. At the risk of ending up with rock-hard, sadly disappointing cookies, I went ahead and decided these were the perfect occasions to try new things.
How right I was! Cringing in fear of seeing bleak looks on everyone's face when they tried my new and improved cookies, I can't say I was disappointed at all. Actually, let me rephrase. I wasn't really cringing, considering the above dough/out of the oven tasting I "forced" myself to go through--I was pretty sure my recipe was improving.

So, what did I change? Something every other cookie baker out there has probably done ages before me.

- I incorporated 1/3 of the butter at room temperature with the sugars, and melted the rest.

- I froze the dough for about 45 minutes to an hour before baking,

And my cookies were one step closer to being the way I love them.

Now the only problem is, I keep telling myself I'm going to mix things up and add nuts, but that time never comes. Sure, I'll add M&Ms for the fun of it, but next time friends come over they'll be warned. If you don't like chocolate, stay away from my cookies.

(But hide them somewhere so nobody else can eat them but me)

To come: lemon macarons, opera cake, peanut butter cookies, and yummy Asian recipes!
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Lucie said...

Live from Dublin I swear they taste amazing !