Monday, December 13, 2010

Workday Linzer Cookies

A bilingual post, specially in honor of my friend and colleague Aurélie's grandma:

I woke up this morning thinking I was going to cut back on the cookies for the week and a half up to Christmas...ha. Yeah right.

Enter Aurélie, the bearer of Christmas cookies, freshly baked by her grandma. Like the most meticulous of surgeons (and especially after scarfing down six of them), I dissected the cookie. Oh, I forgot to mention: this is a sandwich cookie. In other words, perfection.

Layer 1: Cookie. Is that hazelnut and almond powder I detect? A delightfully crisp texture: melt-in-your-mouth, yet it doesn't break apart. Ooh wee.

Layer 2: Jam! Visions of wrapping myself in my comforter and drinking hot chocolate start to burst forth.

Layer 3: Cookie again, with a hole (or two!) to see the jam. And, as the French say cerise sur le gâteau, a paper-thin layer of royal icing.

Three layers for the perfect workday snack. Although, all things told, I would gladly eat these weekday and weekend. The best part is, like all family-made cookies, I don't have the recipe. The mystery yummy.


Des gâteaux de Noël, rien de tel pour contrer un long lundi au travail. Au diable les envies de régime (comme tous les lundis, cette fois je m'y mets) me retrouve face à face avec un sachet rempli de gâteaux faits maison, qui plus est par la grand-mère de mon amie et collègue Aurélie.

Deux couches de sablé, délicieusement parfumé à ce qui semble être de la noisette et de l'amande...entourant une fine couche de confiture. Sans oublier un glaçage à peine visible à l'oeil nu, mais qui rajoute un petit quelque chose qui rend le biscuit parfait.

J'ai failli rentrer directement chez moi, sachet à la main, pour me cacher sous ma couette et les tremper dans une grande tasse de chocolat chaud... mais ça aurait été trop visible. Dommage. Je me suis donc contentée de garder la main dans le sac toute la journée. Une journée parfaite, quoi.

Merci mamie d'Aurélie!
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Eleni said...
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claudia said...

those look really good. Maybe Aurélie's grandmother would be happy to have her recipe posted on "Bilingual Butter"?

grace said...

i adore linzer cookies--the jam is what brings it home for me. :)

Mary Bergfeld said...

These look really good. I'm fond of this cookie to begin with but your recipe is begging to be tried. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

Ingrid_3Bs said...

They do look delightful! I find cookies are one of those things that taste much better baked by someone else!

Dmarie said...

mystery yummies torture me! but sweet memories nonetheless.

Barbara said...

Yum, Lucie. I would LOVE to learn how to make these...can you get the recipe? The frosting glaze is unusual, you don't usually see that in a linzer cookie. Lucky you to get such a tasty gift!

Reeni said...

I never saw a two holed cookie! Cute!

Paris Pastry said...

Yeah I can't seem to tear myself away from cookies either during this time of year. I dream of cookies! Linzer cookies are perfect for Christmas ♥.